Tuesday 6 April 2010

Shopping... (because thats what girls do best!)

The First Blog...(but then again there's a first time for everthing)

Yes, their really is a first time for everything... sometimes your nervous because you only get that one shot and it's constantly on your mind, the pressure we put ourself under.... on top of the stress of school and GCSE and Tests of all kinds!!!

You would think it's the Easter Holidays this girl should relax but even then expectations have to be met and some times it's good to set standards but we must let ourself face the facts that sometimes we are all going to fail at something and sometimes we are going to feel disappointment but should that mean we give up? ... No!
try again...
and then try alittle bit harder...
because NOTHING is impossible...
It's Only IMPOSSIBLE if you don't want to achieve your goal!...
But lets STOP!...
If your a strong believer in fate!...
Then it's probably a sign!...
Just because its your first time at something doesn't mean we shouldn't try and achieve!

Alittle Bit About Me:
My interests are art, performing and music...
I love to shop, sing and spend time with friends preferable on the karoake machine...
I strongly believe Lauging is the best medicine....
And hope to be successful in whatever I choose to do in the future....

Worried about..... Drama Exam!!!!
Happy... to spend time with family and friends for 2 weeks...
Not so Happy... to have loads of work to do!
Wondering... why the weather is so gloomy?
Thinking... what makes me happier shopping alone or with friends!!!

Let me know what you think,
I'll shut up now!!! because I'm gonna have to love you and leave you! x